![簡介 [OLD]](https://thinkabit.ntue.edu.tw/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/line.png)
微想實驗室粉絲專頁Imagination is your super power.
Thinkabit lab is found in 2016, leafing by professor Jen-Chih Lin and Yi-Chen Hsu. We hope to break through the tradition way of teaching, put imagination and creative into our first priority. Let our students have the ability of inter- disciplinary and innovation, to survive in this changeable marker and environment, furthermore, to increase the total national competitiveness.
Thinkabit lab實驗室設備儀器介紹
![簡介 [OLD]](https://thinkabit.ntue.edu.tw/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/line.png)
實驗室的設備包含了VR開發設備,以及物聯網開發相關的穿戴式裝置,如HTC Vive、Gear 360、Gear vr、RICHO THETA S、小米九號平衡車。透過這些設備,學生得以將他們的構想進入到實作的階段,以做中學的方式磨練學生們的實作能力,達到學用零落差的目標。
We have multiple development devices to satisfy all requirements for our students in experiment.
Including VR equipments such as HTC VIVE, Samsung gear 360, gear VR, RICHO THETA S, Xiami ninebot and so on. Through these equipments, our students are able to bring their ideas into reality. Learning while designing, to built practical ability, move forward to achieve the goal of no gap between learning and using.