【摘要】本研究運用擴增實境技術搭配實體圖卡作為學習教材,供孩童學習立體圖像及顏色,探討兒童對於應 用擴增實境之教學媒材的學習成效(Learning Effectiveness),並根據研究結果提出建議。本研究以兩班不同教學 方式做實驗組及對照組的比較,分別進行實驗前測及後測。根據本次研究結果,大部分的幼童在使用本研究自 製的擴增實境學習應用程式「CoShaper」後,在形狀及顏色的辨識學習力相對較高;針對學習成效之施測分析 數據,在各項構面皆顯示透過應用程式學習之接受度較高。
【關鍵字】 學習成效;擴增實境;幼童學習;形狀;顏色
Abstract: In this study, we use augmented reality supported learning to boost motivation for learning. This study uses augmented reality alongside 3D graphics and colors. Shape-recogniztion cards for children are used as the learning material to discuss the Learning Effectiveness of augmented reality applied to children. The results can serve as guidence for future mobile learning designers. This study uses two methods of teaching for two different classes to act as the treatment group and control groups respectively. A pre-test and post-test is held for both groups. The results of this test show that most children after using CoShaper will have learned more efficiently in terms of identifying shapes and colors. In addition after analyzing Learning Effectiveness statistics, a high acceptance towards learning through apps is indicated.
Keywords: Learning Effectiveness, Augmented Reality, Children Learning, Shape, Color