舊有的遊戲模式是玩家在螢幕前面操作著滑鼠與鍵盤來進行遊戲,不過近年來出現了沉浸式 虛擬實境(Virtual Reality,VR)裝置的控制選擇。頭戴式裝置的興起,改變許多舊有的遊戲環境呈現,讓玩家有如身歷其境般的體驗。本研究旨在探討玩家使用 Google Cardboard(以下簡稱Cardboard)在第一人稱射擊遊戲中,是否因為使用新科技進行遊戲而影響玩家在使用上的情感經驗,即為玩家所經歷心流經驗。本研究透過自製的遊戲「SatelFort」進行實驗比較,實驗中採Cardboard 與電腦介面的呈現模式來探討在第一人稱射擊遊戲中玩家所經歷的心流經驗,實驗對象為一般大專院校玩家。實驗分析結果顯示使用 Cardboard 的玩家在第一人稱射擊遊戲中較使用電腦介面的玩家容易進入心流狀態。
關鍵詞:心流經驗、虛擬實境、第一人稱射擊遊戲、Google Cardboard。
The traditional method of gaming is done through playing in front on a computer monitor with a keyboard and mouse. However in recent years immersive virtual reality devices have become an additional choice in gaming control input. The rise of head-mounted devices has changed the presentation of many old game environments. They allow gamers to experience complete immersion. This study focuses the usage of the Google Cardboard (Cardboard for short) in playing a first person shooter game. This study aim to research that if using a new technology to game will have an effect on a gamer's emotional experience which is also known as the flow state experience. This study uses the self-developed game "SatelFort" to analyze and discuss the difference in flow experience between playing a first person shooter game on a computer or with a Cardboard. The experiment subjects will be typical university student gamers. The experiment results and analysis shows that players who used the Cardbard to play a first person shooter game more easily enter flow than players who play the computer version.
Keywords: Flow Experience, Virtual Reality, First Person Shooter, Google Cardboard