。不過近年來出現了沉浸式虛擬實境裝置的控制選擇,由於頭戴式裝置的興起,改變許多傳統的環境呈現,讓玩家有如身歷其境般的體驗。本研究主要運用玩家所經歷的科技接受模式探討在第一人稱射擊遊戲中使用 Cardboard 進行虛擬實境,是否會影響玩家在使用新科技遊戲時,在使用上的能力與情感經驗。本研究透過自製的遊戲「SatelFort」以及虛擬實境來進行實驗,探討一個使用第一人稱射擊遊戲的玩家所經歷的科技接受模式分析,實驗對象是一般玩家。實驗結果分析自遊戲實驗中所收集之數據、問卷與受測者主觀回報。最後研究結果顯示受測者對於虛擬實境的科技接受度高於中間值,表示受測者對於虛擬實境這項新科技的接受度較高。關鍵字:科技接受模式;虛擬實境;第一人稱射擊遊戲;Cardboard。
Traditional gaming is usually played by gamers in front of a computer screen with a mouse and keyboard. In recent years immersive virtual reality is a new method of control. As head mounted displays become more popular, old methods of presentation are changed to allow gamers an immersive experience. This study discusses the technology acceptance regarding a first person shooter played through virtual reality using the Google Cardboard. We look into the effect of new technology on ability of use and emotional experience. This study uses the self-developed game “SatelFort” and virtual reality to conduct experiments to analyze the technology acceptance in a first person shooter game. The test respondents are general gamers.The experiment gathers data from game statistics,questionnaires, and subjective respondent feedback. The final test results show that the test respondents’ technology acceptance levels are higher than the middle value. This shows that technology acceptance is on the high side towards virtual reality.
Keywords: Technology Acceptance; Virtual Reality; First Person Shooter Game; Cardboard.
2016 OSET自由軟體與教育科技研討會_運用科技接受模式探討在第一人稱射擊遊戲 使用虛擬實境之接受度
2016 OSET自由軟體與教育科技研討會_運用科技接受模式探討在第一人稱射擊遊戲 使用虛擬實境之接受度